jytte boye, Nørresundby
About Me
My name is Jytte Boye, I live in the Northern part of Denmark...In about 6 years I have spent my spare time developing my skills as photographer during pratice and courses...My passion is photography... shapes, colors and lines capture me
and I want pass on my impressions to you
Categories :
Sea foam
When the sea is stormy it blows foam upon the beac.
The art of ice 1
Nature is art. Nature makes art. When the temperat.
The prospect
When sitting on a bench surrounded by silence, tho.
The art of ice 2
A unik pattern in nature when ice covers the water.
The Aalborg harbor
The harbor in a early morning with the mist. It gi.
A dance in the garden
A flower that twists can be reminiscent of a dance.
When a bindweed reaches out to grab a branch and i.
Hold on
A green garden with a bindweed is holding on.
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